轉自臉書--吴奇隆~Nicky Wu 黑白能量
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吳奇隆~Nicky Wu 黑白能量
吴奇隆TD:12月2日 工體見
@ Nicky TD: 2nd December see you at Beijing Workers’ Stadium
@ 时尚先生Esquire: Hard-working, resilient, mature, it seems like there is no one
single quality that can sufficiently conclude his manly charisma. From his debut
27 years ago, he was able to fare with ease in various fields by virtue of his
tireless efforts. He is just the sharp and unstoppable superstar. Without the
glare, he is the good family guy in showbiz, as well as a philanthropic person
who passes on positive energy. On 2nd Dec #12th Annual Stylish Men Gala#,
let's look forward to @ NickyWuTD's manly charisma. @ NickyWu Tieba
轉發 自《吳奇隆的微博》【2015/11/12 10:09】